Saturday, May 24, 2014

If Ambassador Stevens Had Lived, the Benghazi Child Trafficking Practices Would’ve Been Revealed

child sex trafficking in AmericaOn May 1, 2014, Tosh Plumlee told Alex Jones and his audience that he has firsthand knoledge of US gun running and ancillary drug running to support Black Ops operations in the Middle East. This is the same exact pattern which was utilized to fuel the Iran-Contra Affair in which the Russian backed Sandinistas would be opposed by the Contra using funds derived from CIA basked drug operations which led to the rise of drug-related street gangs in South Central LA. The implication is that the same thing was going on at the time of Ambassador Stevens death in that Stevens was running guns to al-Qaeda.
Mr. Plumlee, your information is good, very good, but please tell us something that we do not know! I printed the same allegations inNovember of 2012. The admission, of a former insider, that guns were being run to al-Qaeda, reveals nothing new except for Mr. Plumlee and his very well described operational experiences. His story is compelling but there is more that the elite are doing now to fund these regime change operations. This is the equivalent of  rubber necking motorists passing by an accident and a police officer says “move along, there is nothing to see here”. By admitting to what we already know to be true, Mr. Plumlee, in my humble opinion, is indirectly conveying the message that there is nothing else to learn about the death of Stevens as it was a gun/drug running operation, period!  This is just not the case. This article will reveal new insider information that there is a lot more to learn about the goings on at Benghazi and how it will shake this country to the core once the details are known.

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