Saturday, June 21, 2014

Photos of Trash in the Arizona Desert Left Behind by Illegal Immigrants-Truth!

Summary of the eRumor:  This is an email that says it is an "Eye Opener" from the Sonoran Desert in Arizona with photos of trash covered landscape.   The email says 3000 backpacks, clothes, food wrappers, water bottles and soiled baby diapers were discarded by illegal aliens along a trail leading North to Tucson from the Mexican border.

The Truth:  The photos were taken in 2007 by members of the Minute Man Civil Defense Corps, a border watchdog group, who discovered the litter while they were in the Sonoran Desert just South of Tucson, Arizona.  The scene is what the Minute Man group called a "layup," an area where illegal immigrants gather when they have reached the U.S. and where they will meet with those who have arranged for transportation for them. They typically have backpacks full of clothing, food, and other supplies for their long trek to or across the U.S. border but when they arrive, they change into a clean set of clothes and leave everything else behind because there is not enough room in the packed vehicles used to transport them.   
This eRumor began circulating in 2007 and went viral again in the Spring of 2010, after organized protests and boycotts to an Arizona Immigration Bill.  The photos are being passed on by supporters as one of the many reasons why they justify the Grand Canyon State's tough new law.

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