Wednesday, October 1, 2014

A dying child, and a judge who’s ruled we cannot know who is to blame

Very cruel: Ms Justice Russell (she insists on the ‘Ms’ as an ardent feminist) is circumscribing the right of the parents to make their case,

Few of us would want to be in the position of a judge called upon to decide whether or not to withdraw life support from a severely damaged 17-month-old baby boy whose parents are desperate for him to be allowed to live.
That was the heart-rending decision confronting Ms Justice Russell in the family courts this week. Though describing the mother’s pleas for her baby to be kept on a life-support system as ‘moving’, the judge heeded unanimous doctors’ reports, and gave permission to withdraw ventilation. The baby will die within days.
Some people will say the judge had no choice. Others may point out that there have been instances when patients judged brain-dead by doctors wishing to withdraw life-support have subsequently recovered, or at any rate enjoyed some sort of life. It is impossible not to be affected by the testimony of the baby’s parents that he responded to their voices.

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