Tuesday, November 25, 2014

FBI Confirmed 42% of Congress Active Pedophiles! Many More Secrets Exposed!

There have been two different secret LE investigations of pedophilia among Members of Congress. One was by an undercover FBI Asset, and another was for the NYCPD and the New York State Crime Commission. The first found that approximately 39% were active practicing pedophiles. the second found that about 42% were active practicing pedophiles. These figures were from reliable investigations about 20 years ago, but current LE experts say that not much has changed except for perhaps more S&M and secret homosexuality. At least one Southern Senator who lives a secret “closeted” life lives in fear that his lifestyle will be revealed by the “AIPAC Boys” who pull his strings, if he fails to satisfy their middle east war mongering demands.
Right now major evidence has been emerging of very high level pedophilia and ritual murder of children by Top Politicians and Government Officials in the UK, all covered up by Scotland Yard. Since highly connected Jimmy Saville died, significant evidence he provided kids to the upper crust and even some of the Royalty in England has emerged. This evil pedophile/child murder in the UK scandal is monstrous and cannot be contained even though top officials and Police Officials are desperate to do so.
Those who live by the Janus Principle walk a tight rope and can only keep their secrets from the public because they own and control the major mass media.
Those Psychopaths who have an uncanny ability to deliver their much needed positive public image or persona while engaging in obviously criminally insane acts which are so psychopathically self-serving and evil actually walk a tight rope between being prosecuted and skating. Those who climb the Establishment hierarchy to sufficiently high positions receive increased protection from the law as they rise, but they also tend to perform more hidden criminally psychopathic acts since they now have the power to do so. 

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