Friday, January 23, 2015

From the Classroom with Bush on the Morning of 9/11: "Kite" - "Hit" - "Steel" - "Plane" - "Must" - "Get Ready!"

This is George W Bush on the morning of 9/11 just SECONDS before getting "the news".

Why the f**k! are the kids reading these words? Who wrote this? Who told the teacher what words to use? Did the kids pick 'em? Did the White House staff?

As the kids in the classroom read: Kite hit steel plane must, the teacher goes "Get ready!" after each word. Get ready indeed.

As soon as the words have been shouted out the president's aide lean in and gives Bush "the news" - whatever he might have told him. Eerie!

I though the story about the upside down pet goat was strange - but this is even freakier.



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