Wednesday, March 25, 2015

How the Truth About the Monster Obama Who Ordered Nuclear Attack on the USA on October 8, 2013 as False Flag to Start WW3 Is Revealed Now

I have published in the course of the last several years many revelations about the insidious crimes of the ruling western cabal on humanity. Even though some of these stories got lost in the smoke and mirrors propaganda of the MSM presstitutes, all these crimes have not been forgotten. As everything that happens on this planet, they are fully stored in the Akasha Chronics and can be revived when the proper time arrives. We are now the most powerful Creator Gods and we can revive such stories with our mere focusing on these events and they immediately re-surface at the most appropriate moment. And this moment is in the Now.
On October 14, 2013, I published a comprehensive article (see below) proving how Obama ordered the detonation of one or more nukes in the Atlantic Ocean near Charleston, South Carolina to destroy his country, which is actually not his as he is not an American citizen, and trigger WW3. These nukes were stolen before that from Dyess Air Force base in Texas and transferred illegally to Charleston, South Carolina.

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