Monday, March 23, 2015

STOP CPS KIDNAPPINGS! Asking We the People to Sign, Share and promote this petition to the Militia.

State Sanctioned Kidnapping for profit in Isabella County Michigan
Folks, you are strongly encouraged to read through this information because this does affect you and the people you love and care for, follow the links and participate by making some calls to the officials that have and continue to pretend that they can ignore all the rules when it suits them.
Generally petitions are aimed at politicians and elected officials that are already fully aware of the problems and not inclined to address the matters we bring to them. This petition is not addressed to the public servants that are already negligent in their job but addressed to We the People who are the superior authority over all government. Stand now and accept your superior position over government and sign and promote this this petition to We the People in whom all authority is permanently vested.

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