Saturday, July 25, 2015

John McCain is Not a Hero! ‘Manchurian Candidate’ His POW Commanding Officer Submitted a Charge of Treason to Military Prosecutors!

I served as a Marine infantryman in Vietnam during 1969 and 1970. I managed to catch malaria, get hit by a handful of scrap metal and gain a permanent distrust for the US government, one that had been festering in me after the killings of John and Robert Kennedy and Martin Luther King. Author of this Article: Gordon Duff
Little did I know then that the lessons I learned, the cynicism proven so correct, nearly a half century of entropy, America the slowly rotting corpse we see today, those signs were there then for any to see.
Forth three years later, the Vietnam War continues to define America, not through the accomplishments of war veterans instilled with courage and leadership gained through surviving a brutal struggle but quite the opposite.
Vietnam was a great evil. If genocide on such shallow pretense could be perpetrated there, why not anywhere or everywhere? All that was needed was to instill, not just obedience, that would be easy.
What kind of nation would elect, again and again, criminals and degenerates to high office, each designated the “leader of the free world?”

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