Friday, February 19, 2016

Vaccines, Dead Doctors, and Depopulation: If You Haven’t Seen This Video, You Should

(Truthstream MediaAutism has now skyrocketed to ONE IN 45 in this country. That means if you walked down your street right now, it’s highly likely you wouldn’t even have to go a full block before you will have passed a home with at least one autistic child living in it.
What you are about to hear may be why.
When the CDC Whistleblower story broke in the fall of 2014, the Establishment quickly went to work to black it out and cover it up. Regardless, it’s on record that a government epidemiologist admitted he and his cohorts massaged and omitted data in a study to hide a huge increase in autism following MMR vaccination. He then promptly lawyered up with one of the most high profile whistleblower attorneys money can buy in this country and issued a statement. Then the whole thing got swept under the rug in what appears to be a purposefully overblown ebola scare and forgotten by many.

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